Tuesday 24 November 2009

Similar Media Works and Film Brief

At today's meeting we worked separately to complete tasks more efficiently with the intention of staying ahead of schedule. Abi and Laura worked on their sections of the Similar Media Works presentaion while Lauren began to put the presenation together with slides that had already been completed. I began typing up the film brief which Abi and I began to discuss and make notes on in at the last meeting.
We have planned for tomorrow's meeting to involve collating all the completed slides for the Similar Media Works presentation to create the final project and to film and produce the animatic storyboard. We will also be uploading the completed storyboard photo presentation- an alternative to our animatic storyboard which features photo examples of the type of location we intend using.
Our group seems to be making good use of our time so far which should then ease pressures of time-constraints when it comes to casting and location scouting. Hopefully we can continue to work at this efficency for all upcoming tasks.

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