Monday, 30 November 2009

Animatic Storyboard and Group Progress

During the process of story boarding, we decided we would make two versions of the storyboard, a photo storyboard and a animatic storyboard. The purpose of the photo story board is to show the pictures that the group went out and took which could be appropiate and taken into consideration when we are setting our film. The purpose of the anamtice storyboard is to show how we have planned the film and to show the drawings of the scenes we have done. We will film these drawings and speak over the top of them to explain what is happening.

The photo storyboard is now compeleted and has been uploaded. The animatic storyboard is still in progress but as a group we set the deadline for completeing this by the next time we meet. The reason it is not yet finished is because we had a few problems with the transitions which had been written on to drawings to show the transitions we would use. Members of the group disagreed on which transistions should be used so a group meeting was called to discuss this. We decided as a group that the fade transition should only be used to show a passing of time and not to go between film clips. The problem was resolved and we continued to work on the filming of the story board. The group is now back to working very well together.

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