Monday 23 November 2009

Group Work Update

The group completed work of a very good quality on Friday the 20th of November. We are very much up to date with all the tasks that have been set as we are managing our time incredibly well.

We split up again so we could get the most amount of work done in the time given. We done the following tasks:
Write up of our horror remake
Gantt Chart Update
Photo story board presentation

These tasks are finished now and will be added to the blog.

For our storyboard we decided it would be best to do two, one as a photo storyboard that we would make as a power point presentation, showing pictures the group had gone out and taken of settings that look similar to that of which we would use in our film. The second story board will be an anamatic, it is hand drawn and we will film it with a voice over explaining what is going on.

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