Monday 9 November 2009

Script- Initial Ideas and Brainstorm

Within the group we discussed the initial script ideas. This was the first time that we had thought about what our opening scene was going to include and what it was going to be about. As a group we found this task hard. At first we were able to think about what filming techniques and elements that we wanted to include but we couldn’t think of a story line that included these elements and techniques.

We developed our ideas through discussions, allowing everyone in the group to speak and to listen to others and considered their ideas. Eventually we came to a rough decision that we all agreed on. This idea was constructed with all the groups input and ideas. Deciding on one idea did take some time but with all of the group’s contribution we were all happy with the idea that we had constructed. As a group we all thought we worked well.

Following our initial ideas we also thought about where we could possibly film and what props and costumes we could use. Although these ideas may change throughout the development of the project it gave us an idea to start with and something that we can build on.

As a group we discussed what we should put on our first group post and our first individual post. We talked about it as a group as we were all able to think about others ideas and what the best way to go about it was. We also started to think about a task list. We created a task list in our group, writing down and prioritising what tasks need to be completed, who by and when.

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