Wednesday 18 November 2009

Final Storyboard boards

In the meeting today the group and I discussed the Final Storyboards that we will be completing before producing the script and final film. Using a text book and a handout that our teacher gave us we looked at sampler storyboards. These storyboards showed us what detail we need to add to ours and what information we have to include. We decided that as a group we will complete two storyboards.

Using the initial storyboard that we had completed previously we had already thought about what shot we are going to use and where. Knowing this the group split into two. Me, Laura and Jenny went out and started to take pictures that would be used on one of the storyboards. Taking pictures helped us visualise what shots we will use in the final film as we were able to think about what shots we would use and where we will film. After taking pictures I then started to hand draw the shots on paper and annotate them. Whist half the group Abi finished editing the Horror re-make.

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