Monday 7 December 2009

Group Update

In the previous meetings we have been discussing and creating the script, animatic and conducting our target audience research. Creating the script meant that we are able to start the auditions as we can present out script when auditioning. This task went well. The group split in half to complete this task, Abi and I created this. We created 3 different versions and looked a previous script to make sure ours was correct and an accurate amount of detail and information had been added.

As a group we also created the animatic. The overall piece of work was really good as all points in the storyboard were covered in detail and this was clearly seen in the video. We had some problems with this as the camera that we needed to use wasn’t working as it should. This delayed the filming of the storyboard by a few days. This was no problems as in the next lesson it was completed and uploaded.

The last task that we completed this week was the research. This research was based around the target audience. A questionnaire was produced and it was then completed by a range of people. In collecting the information from the research this enabled the group to have a clear target audience for our film, so when producing the film it would be successful and popular.

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