Monday 7 December 2009

Group Meeting- Monday 7th December

The group held a meeting in order to discuss the tasks that needed to be done this week. We managed to discuss all of the points which we felt needed to be discussed and solve the issues. We discussed all areas of the work we needed to work on. We talked about where and when our auditions should be held and who should be in charge of them. We also talked about the rest of the tasks in order to assign pieces of work to each individual in the group so that the group could manage to get all of the work done quickly, efficiently and effectively. Some minutes of the meeting were made to record what was said.
Minutes of Group Meeting: Monday 7th December 2009
Things to do this week:
• Auditions
• Consent Forms
• Cast Information
• Location Scouting information
• Character Profiles
Thursday Lunchtime- Auditions?- In Drama studio
Auditions- Jenny and Abi
Consent Forms- Abi
Location scouting information- Laura and Lauren
Character Profiles- Laura and Lauren
Cast information- Whole group
• Lisa Oakeys office
• Little Waltham Park
• Residential House- Alice? Laura?
• Forest next to hospital

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