Friday, 29 January 2010

Filming Day three

On Saturday 23rd of January we as a group went down to Little Waltham Park in order to film the park and running scenes. We were there for no more than an hour and a half, which was a very good point as we had a lot to film, yet we got it done quickly, effectively and to a standard that we were all happy about. The other good points to the filming day were that we had no disturbance from any members of the public which was a particular concern of ours, as it is located in a fairly open area where many people go walking. We put signs up saying that there was filming in process and we apologised for any inconvenience caused. I think this was a very strong point of our filming session as we were fully prepared for all possible events. We were also very prepared with props, costumes and equipment which enabled us to be very ready to film and get on with the tasks we needed to carry out.

Some things that we could have improved on would be, we should have experimented with the feet running scene in order to be prepared and know exactly what we wanted to do and how we wanted to do it. However this was one of the only problems that we faced and on the whole the day went very well.

We have now finished all of our filming and can get on with editing and ensuring that all our work and planning is complete.

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